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Retire and Thrive​

Enabling better retirements

Retire and Thrive provides newly retired people and those planning retirement with the secrets of living a fulfilling retirement in six easy steps. Complementing legal and financial planning, this self-paced online programme will enable the retirement life of your dreams - all from the comfort of home.

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Retire & Thrive


Many of us look forward to the day when we can retire with little thought as to what that actually means; often we’re too busy working to even think about it or to redefining our identity.​

People often quote a desire to travel, be ‘grey nomads’ for a while, visit children or catch up on many outstanding jobs around the home – but what then? Retiring means more than simply finishing work – it takes thought and planning to create a life that is fulfilled and where relationships thrive.​

Old man at work place

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

-Maya Angelou

Senior Couple in happy mood

There are three main stages of retirement and we help you to plan for your first transition – the one from work. We’ll make sure you have the skills to cope with unexpected changes, whether that’s because of interests expectations or personal circumstances. 

You’ll be able to create a lifestyle plan that enables a fulfilled life with positive mental health and relationships that thrive by using our simple six-step process, and all from the comfort of home.​

Good mood in the Kitchen

Once the short course is completed, you’ll be able to gain a sense of comfort and optimism about your retirement years. You’ll gain the knowledge to cope with changes that happen along the way and how to organise yourself to free up valuable time that you can use to follow your passions. 

Good mood in the Kitchen

Let’s hear from some people who’ve completed the programme:​

This program gave me an unexpected opportunity to take seriously my big decision to retire. Although I felt in control, the reality-check of actually concluding a 36-year career was unfamiliar ground with unforeseen emotional adjustments. The content of each module, presented so seamlessly, quickly drew me in and often revealed unspoken, hidden, or simply unacknowledged thoughts - all of which needed to be pondered. I encourage you to listen, reflect, contemplate, do the work and take it seriously. This hands-on series highlights Jaine’s extensive experience, practical wisdom, and genuine people skills, all professionally presented in easy to manage modules. If you are contemplating a big life change, this program is an excellent starting point to help you examine where you are now, where you want to be, and how best to achieve your future hopes and dreams".

Peta, Australia (Pre-retirement)

I’m 54 and this programme couldn’t have come at a better time as I’m starting to wonder what retirement will look like – especially having experienced severe lockdowns during 2020 and 2021. It feels like you’ve got into my head and can see everything that I’ve been thinking and worrying about recently.  It’s been so useful – thank you".  

Greg, UK (54)​

Working through this programme was so helpful. As a working couple with children and grandchildren, we don’t find much time just for us. Working through this meant we made time to sit down and discuss things that we probably should have long before now. Before we retire, we realise we need to understand where we’re on the same page and where we differ in our views – and make a plan that’s open to change. We also need to get some essentials like Wills and things sorted out – things we’ve been putting off forever. This has motivated us to get organised". 

Alex & Anna, Australia (late 50s)​

 Oh my goodness…when I finished the introduction I couldn't wait for the next! It sounds silly now but I never thought about retirement being in three parts as you’ve described it. Everything addresses things I’ve been feeling and ‘hits the spot’ perfectly. I found it informative and empowering and feel I'm now striding towards a new and invigorating chapter in my life rather than drifting from an end to my working career. I can't recommend this programme enough - I’m now excited to continue the journey…thank you!”

Julia, UK (54)​

Book a free 15-minute consultation call

Book a free 15-minute consultation call
Jaine Edge

Meet your coach:​

I’m Jaine Edge and at 54, am approaching retirement myself. By day I’m an HR consultant and spend a lot of time coaching people at all stages of their lives and careers. For over 30 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of people approaching retirement. I’ve coached scores of individuals and couples who’ve almost all invested in financial planning and legal advice but some of whom haven’t planned for ‘life’.  ​

From working in HR for 35 years, I’ve seen first hand the risk of not planning and the amazing benefits of doing it well. If you’re still unsure if this is for you, ask yourself how much time you spent planning your last big purchase – does your retirement not deserve the same?​

​I’m confident this programme will help you achieve the retirement of your dreams.  ​

​I hope to hear from you!​
